For Bureau REACH, 2023 was a year of renewal and unity.

In this annual overview, we reflect on 2023, a year where renewal and unity took center stage for Bureau REACH. The REACH revision has been postponed until after 2024, but the revitalization of many other plans within the European Chemicals Strategy has already been set in motion. Consider, for example, the adaptation of CLP. All of this injects fresh energy into 2024.

> Read the foreword by Richard Luit, Head of Bureau REACH

Highlights of 2023

In 2023, our workload was extensive and varied. We contributed to various REACH and CLP processes through Dutch proposals, comments, and policy advice. One of the highlights was the submission of the PFAS restriction proposal in collaboration with European colleagues, a significant step in our pursuit of safe chemical management. Explore all the highlights of 2023 here.

Key Figures 2023

The key figures for 2023 at Bureau REACH provide valuable insights into our impact. They are essential for measuring the progress and effectiveness of our work. These numbers not only demonstrate the scope of our activities but also highlight our involvement in European regulations concerning chemical substances. They offer insight into our contribution to ensuring the safe handling of chemicals at the European level.

Decorative element showing key figures

About Bureau REACH

Bureau REACH plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of chemical substances in the Netherlands and Europe. It contributes to the implementation and enhancement of European regulations, such as Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP). Additionally, it serves as a point of contact for companies to clarify their obligations.

> Download our organizational chart

Other notable projects

In 2023, Bureau REACH distinguished itself with a diverse range of projects. In addition to the PFAS ban, work was underway on several other notable initiatives. Examples include the proposal for a ban on microplastics and serving as rapporteurs in the Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC) for Creosote. This variety demonstrates the breadth and depth of Bureau REACH's work.

The Helpdesk of Bureau REACH

Bureau REACH's helpdesk assists companies with their REACH and CLP obligations, offering a platform for inquiries. In 2023, numerous questions were raised, notably regarding the new restriction on the use of microplastics and the obligations concerning the production and sale of (scented) candles.

Sample question: I am considering selling homemade candles. These candles are made from pure local beeswax without additives or from rapeseed wax with possibly a little pigment. How can I find out if I comply with the legislation?